Stream Prejudices;
Humanities, Sciences and Commerce happen to be the different fields in specialised studies. All three of the above-mentioned acquire an equal respect as per their needs.Though choices amongst the three streams, depend upon one’s field of interest, but nowadays it doesn’t seem to be so. There is an apparent hierarchy in place in respect to the subjective streams.If to put it the way it’s assumed, it’ll be like, “SCIENCES>COMMERCES>HUMANITIES”.
Humanities, Sciences and Commerce happen to be the different fields in specialised studies. All three of the above-mentioned acquire an equal respect as per their needs.Though choices amongst the three streams, depend upon one’s field of interest, but nowadays it doesn’t seem to be so. There is an apparent hierarchy in place in respect to the subjective streams.If to put it the way it’s assumed, it’ll be like, “SCIENCES>COMMERCES>HUMANITIES”.