70th Independence Day

70 Years ago today, was the day, when we're officially declared Independent, after centuries long oppression of one or the other section of the population, we finally managed to get through the hurdle of freedom on 15th August 1947. To be honest, the whole of the mankind wasn’t actually free until the 20th, century, because before the modern concept of free societies all most every section of mankind was ruled upon, not self-governing. To put it right, before the 20th century all most every nation was ruled by some particular dynasty or ruler, who ruled up to their will and wants and the very concept of democracy wasn’t prevalent at all, so to conclude that there was no freedom actually before the last two centuries is absolutely right. A series of revolutions, mass movements, bloody battles and every possible public movement were all it took for the mankind to awake to the dawn of freedom or may be to witness the dusk of slavery.

We had all the required resources to be a developed country in the first place, such as abundant natural resources, fertile lands, hard working and laborious masses, well-educated teaching faculties and almost everything necessary. But we didn’t go as we should have, possibly because of our other deficiencies for e.g. social discrimination, uneven distribution of wealth and resources, poor land reforms, corruption, sectarianism and for that matter all other prevalent evils which still halts our progress. We may have got political equality with our freedom but social and economical slaveries  are so far not dealt successfully with, discrimination with the already oppressed classes and crimes against them are prevalent heavily till date and almost every day we are coming  across such shameful things happening throughout country, this is worst kind of danger our country  faces as it’s from within. Apart from other perspectives of development social progress is definitely the field, a lot has to be achieved in. Once, we start ahead as a progressive society, determined to shun all type off regressive ideologies, nothing potentially can slow down our developmental process, because nothing could be worse than alienation of a particular section of the population, who have both to gain from and contribute to the progress process.

And this alone is not the issue, there are many in fact a long list to follow, but the good news is that they  all together have the same solution and that happens to be shaping of a progressive society based on Reason, Logic and Compassion for Humanity
Rest all is what we will soon achieve if we stick to the principle of progress and that too trilateral i.e. Political, social and economical
Happy 70th independence day,
Jai Hind!

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