The Educational Casteism

Stream Prejudices;

Humanities, Sciences and Commerce happen to be the different fields in specialised studies. All three of the above-mentioned acquire an equal respect as per their needs.Though choices amongst the three streams, depend upon one’s field of interest, but nowadays it doesn’t seem to be so. There is an apparent hierarchy in place in respect to the subjective streams.If to put it the way it’s assumed, it’ll be like, “SCIENCES>COMMERCES>HUMANITIES”.
Now, how does it comes across to be so?, The answer is quite a clear one, the degrees of job orientations and of course the “Professional” courses and the competent society. But, here the fact which is mostly left unconsidered in the rush is that all of the three streams are equally important not just because one provides a promising early future you should jump behind it without introspecting what actually you have interest in. Well obviously if a good cricketer starts playing a game which he hasn’t played before, say football then it’s quite easy to guess how it would end.So, it’s just the same with the subjective streams, If a student interested in Humanities studies sciences or commerce , then how will he enjoy what he is supposed to do, If he doesn’t get his mind and heart in it and he can’t progress the way he would have done, if gone with his field of interests.But it’s quite unfortunate that today under the bondages of this educational casteism many precious minds practically commit career suicides under peer pressures just because of the existing stream prejudices.

Students themselves will have to step ahead if they desire to put this bourgeoise and outdated system of stream selection to an end. Just because you aren’t familiar with career options linking different stream doesn’t mean they don’t exist, a confident start and a firm commitment, whatever the field is, success isn’t that far away as it’s assumed to be and it’s not even that an easy task but an honest try would do it.
To get out of dilemma and confusions, Students must seek expert advice in regards to their interests and their scopes rather than settling for what’s being sold and in the end, a hard bargain is only what it takes.
Besides all this, we all as a society also need to shun our prejudices and tunnel visions and let students choose what they want to study and not what our narrow minds force them to study.

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